Functional Medicine of North Idaho is a family medicine practice that takes an integrative approach to treating chronic illness, investigating complex symptoms and promoting overall wellness.
We have four nurse practitioners who have undergone specialty training in functional medicine; Jessie LaPlante, Arrian Culjak, Nikole Tabaracci & Valerie Nelson. You can learn more about each practitioner in the About Us section.
Our providers spend time with each patient to truly understand their unique situation and to create a personalized treatment plan. They understand that each patient is unique both in the chemistry of their body and the story of their journey. A list of services offered can be found by following the link below.
For patients struggling with chronic illness or complex symptoms, our providers seeks to identify the root cause. They work in partnership with their patients and utilize a variety of diagnostic strategies to identify the source(s) of the problem(s). Their treatment plans combine the use of conventional medications, supplements, nutrition, movement, lifestyle and body work recommendations. If you are new to functional medicine and would like to learn more, follow our functional medicine link below